From: D Hendrix

Feb. 7, 2024

I have been informed that the OCC has proposed a rule change so they can increase margin during volatility runs. So these criminal firms and Hedge Funds can rehypothicate positions and short American companies into the ground with no reprocussions? Why would I ever put more money into the stock market when all the institutions need to do is change the rules once they are on the wrong side of a trade. Does the SEC care if I lose all my money? Nope. If I can't change the rules when I'm on the wrong side of it.... why can they? 
We are not peasents and these are American companies that are illegally being taken down. The OCC shouldn't be able to change the rules and screw over working Americans that invested their money into companies they love. 

100% against this and I will know the system is rigged if it passes! 

Dan Hendrix