Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: brendon campbell

Feb. 5, 2024

Hello SEC,

I am writing as a concerned household investor with feedback regarding rule SR-OCC-2024-001.

I find it rather obscene that in a free and fair market, those making bad bets at the expense of citizen investors want further leeway to abuse the system and destroy the investments of others by not having to put up the proper collateral to do any of this.

This is essentially free reign to do damage to their hearts content at no cost, and will only result in further abuses and distrust in the American markets.

Many of the activities these funds engage in are already illegal in other markets, and have resulted in firms and funds being banned from markets outside of the US.

To further enable these predatory and evil behaviours - which should not exist in the first place in a free and transparent market -by further reducing collateral requirements is a step taken perfectly backward away from a more trustworthy and fair market.

This kind of nonsense will ultimately erode and destroy the market, economy and country as these bad bets and scuzzy practices come home to roost in the present and future. This is the stuff of total economic devastation.

Please make the right decision and steer the markets back toward trustworthiness and fairness for all. We appreciate you. Please make the right decision.

Brendon Campbell