Subject: Proposed Rule Change via SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Ayush Garg

Feb. 5, 2024


I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed rule change by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) to adjust parameters for calculating margin requirements during periods of high market volatility. As a stakeholder in the financial markets, I believe it is crucial to voice apprehensions about potential ramifications that such alterations may bring upon market stability, transparency, and the overall integrity of our financial system. 

First and foremost, the proposed adjustments to margin requirements could significantly impact market stability by potentially amplifying the effects of high volatility. While it is understandable that the OCC seeks to adapt its risk management practices to evolving market conditions, the proposed rule change may inadvertently exacerbate volatility rather than mitigate it. The lack of transparency surrounding the specifics of the redacted materials pertaining to the proposed adjustments only adds to the uncertainty and concern among market participants. 

Furthermore, the role of the Financial Risk Management (FRM) Officer raises inherent conflict of interest concerns. It is imperative that risk management decisions are made independently and impartially, free from any conflicts of interest that may compromise the integrity of the decision-making process. Given the significant influence the FRM Officer holds in determining risk management policies, it is essential that their role is subject to rigorous oversight and scrutiny to ensure the best interests of market participants are upheld. 

In light of these concerns, I urge the [SEC/Relevant Regulatory Body] to thoroughly reconsider the proposed rule change and conduct a comprehensive review of its potential impacts on market stability, transparency, and the broader market's well-being. It is essential that any regulatory changes are made with the utmost care and consideration for the long-term health and stability of our financial markets. 

Moreover, I strongly advocate for greater transparency in the rulemaking process, including the disclosure of all relevant materials and information to allow for informed public scrutiny and feedback. Transparency is fundamental to maintaining trust and confidence in our financial markets, and it is imperative that regulatory decisions are made in an open and transparent manner. 

In conclusion, I urge the [SEC/Relevant Regulatory Body] to prioritize transparency, risk mitigation, and the broader market's well-being in their evaluation of the proposed rule change by the OCC. It is incumbent upon regulatory authorities to ensure that our financial markets remain fair, efficient, and resilient in the face of evolving challenges and uncertainties. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. I look forward to a thorough and thoughtful review of the proposed rule change.