Subject: On SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Justin K

Feb. 5, 2024

Good Evening to whom it may concern, 

I am writing to comment on OCC proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001. 

A public proposal with this level of redacted notes should not be considered public at all. The only thing I appreciate is that we, as a public, can comment on these rules and show our disdain or support thereof. 

I am sure that this rule has already had a vast multitude of comments so I will not make this too long. In short, I firmly stand against this proposition. Those who have taken risks in the market hve done just that; taken a risk. It is beyond unfair that these same people/entities have privatized all of their gains yet they expect handouts and handicaps when they've bet on the wrong horses. 

This rule would only serve bad actors and allow those who have put Americas greatest financial institutions into this turmoil to make another step towards walking away unhindered. The markets should be free and fair for all participants. 


Justin Knight