Subject: SR-OCC—2024-001 - Margin Requirement Changes Propsal
From: Justin Clay

Feb. 5, 2024

Dear SEC,

Isn’t it time to look in the mirror and take your oath to heart?

Isn’t it time for one of our oversight organizations to actually do the right thing?

The right thing. The opposite of what is happening now in your markets.

The over leveraged funds. The failure to complete the basic task of delivering to a purchaser. Adhering to the rules.

I have had enough. We have had enough. You know who we are.

This failure to maintain a free and transparent market must end.

It will.

Whether by your hands or ours, this will end.

The question is will you do enough to save the markets.

You can start by forgetting this proposal and do what needs to be done.

Justin Clay

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