Subject: Rule SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Brandon V

Feb. 4, 2024

I oppose this rule. 

The fact that this is even proposed is ridiculous and shines a glaring spot light on the state of our "free market" and the lack of risk management these "Experts" and big market players employ. 

This rule is not necessary at all. Volatility is natural to our markets and all participants should be acting/trading with such basic knowledge and to think the larger players that support this rule shows exactly who you should be investigating. 

Further, this rule only benefits those who already hold every advantage, as well have massive teams of experts and information to help prevent them from being "victims" of Volatility. If it does not help the individual invester it should not be a rule. 

This rule also enables bad actors to further benefit from fraudulent activities and blatant crime as it would give them more room to work with. 

This rule has zero benefit to the public at large, nor the individual investor and should not be passed now or in the future. 

I Brandon Vallotton OPPOSE "Rule SR-OCC-2024-001"