Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: B Sakr

Feb. 4, 2024

Simply put, STOP giving hedge funds more leniency. If they decide to create a thesis, invest accordingly, and are on the WRONG side of the trade, they should lose their money. If I buy 10 shares of a $20 stock and it goes to $5, I lose $15 per share, or $150, and that’s the end of that. I don’t have any ground to stand on that would entitle me to avoid any less loss of money. Math is math, and math is fair.

The top hedge funds are toxic entities that bankrupt local businesses and chains that built the economy of this country of the past centuries. There is plenty of proof to be found and that has been submitted to you already, you just need to decide to actually do something with it.

If your son, daughter, mom, dad, best friend or lover invested money, wouldn’t you want a set of fair rules to apply to them so that their money is protected too? I know I would.