Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393 rule proposal/changes
From: David Fonseca

Feb. 4, 2024

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

There seems to be a significant effort to redact data these past few years of proposed rule changes. It just so happens that the interested parties that seek to benefit from this obfuscation all relate to the volatility of leveraged short positions. Gamestops rise in January 2021 was due to the very vehicle that this rule and many like it before affect, all seeking to expand risk and obfuscation.

As a household investor of our great American market, I am against such rule proposals.

I appreciate Gary Gensler for noticing the rise of individual investors commenting on rule changes. I fear that if he were to be replaced with Hester Peirce, we would see many of these changes go through to benefit hedge-funds and market makers that also own/run hedge-funds.


David Fonseca