Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: george larson

Feb. 4, 2024

Margin requirements should be higher during times of market volatility. Institutional investors should have higher risk standards than anyone else involved in the market which means higher margin requirements. Markets should not glorify leverage and the danger it poses to everyday people who are trying to save for their futures. 

We need to be more in line with markets around the world. It is unacceptable to lower margin requirements for market volatility, if someone has positioned themselves poorly and they cannot sustain their position within the requirements the position should be closed, not given breath to continue on as an unchecked risk. 

I expect our regulators in the US to do the right thing and the responsible thing. Lowering margin requirements is not the right thing or the responsible thing. I am greatly concerned over this. Hopefully the SEC does what is in the best interest of all investors, not just the largest, most concentrated ones.