Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Anonymous

Feb. 4, 2024

To keep this short and sweet this rule is only in favor of short sellers. We need transparency and accountability in our markets or else it is not a free market. For too long rules have been in support of short sellers. They need to report short positions more frequently. Ken griffin the creator of citadel lied to congress and has continued to cheat millions of Americans. Until you stand up for retail short sellers will corrupt and corrode our market until nothing is left. Clearly payment for order flow PFOF isn’t working. Bernie madoff created PFOF we need to end it to have markets that correlate with what is happening and not what they want us to think is happening.
I write this comment to you all in hopes we can change this together by making sure this rule does not go through. In the capitalist market hedge funds should rise and fall with the tide not be supported by the SEC. Please reject this rule and enforce STRICTER regulations on short selling crooks. Thank you.