Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Derek Leonard

Feb. 4, 2024

Good day, 
As a household investor, I feel there is no need for this rule ammendment to go through. 
All of the firms that this ammendment would "save" have an army of highly paid risk assessment officers that know exactly what the outcome of any trades would be. They are all well aware of what the outcome would be should any of thier trades go in the wrong direction for them. They are fully aware of the margin requirements well before any volatility happens in the markets. 
To allow the rule to be amended amounts to nothing more than a bail out for institutions to take on more risk than they should be. 
In the wake of 2008, and the "to big to fail" moniker, alot of the firms on Wallstreet learned that if they can take on enough risk for things to be disastrous, they would be bailed out. That needs to end. 
If the SEC is truly about free and fair markets, the rules in place need to enforced and not amended just to suit people who have no problem risking what is not thiers. 
It is the opinion of this household investor that the rules/margin requirements currently in place are just fine and need to be adhered to. 
Thank you, 

Derek Leonard