Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 comment
From: Charles Federspiel

Feb. 4, 2024


I'm writing to urge you to reject SR-OCC-2024-001, which reduces margin requirements in some circumstances. This proposal subverts existing rules which inhibit risky leveraged trading behavior. This clearly comes at the expense of retail investors. 

There is an alternative way to protect markets from systematic risky and illegal behavior: aggressive enforcement action by the SEC against clearing members and their subsidiaries that have engaged in self-serving naked shorting for a prolonged period under the veil of providing normal market liquidity. 

Simply refer to the redacted portions of SR-OCC-2024-001 for a list of participants and securities with which they have abused their privileged position and which OCC and their cohorts find the need to insulate from their own actions. 

Thank you, 
Charles Federspiel 

Keep it metal