Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Jeff Breit

Feb. 4, 2024

Why do we allow short selling in the first place, let alone allowing leveraged short selling?
 I learned today in 1772, a London banking house, imploded after shorting the  East India Trading Company.   Didn’t think the concept had been around for so long.  But then again banks have been doing shady shit for a lot longer than that so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.   Sorry for getting a little off topic here.  Seems to me the stock markets original intention was for Party A to provide working capital for Party B in turn for partial ownership of the business.  Adding leverage, derivatives, short selling, are all recipes for disaster. Any institution engaging in short selling is betting against an American company and should not be given more financial leeway. They should have less.

My 2 cents,
Jeffrey P. Breit
American Taxpayer

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