Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: William Lewis

Feb. 3, 2024

Hello to whoever may read this, 

It is to my understanding that there are people (OCC) that want to reduce requirement for margin calls to bad bets they have made in this obviously fair market. In my 26 years living on this earth, I have never witnessed something as unruly as these markets. These people that are able to make bets on a company with no money invested in it themselves, need yet again another bail out from whoever rules man. What I mean by that, is these people live and die by money which forces the rest of the world do to the same. In my personal experience, I don't know what its like to wake up, stress free, unlimited money in my pocket, friends that can print money from thin air and use it to my beck and call. I served the country, I worked since I was 16 doing slave labour so I could help my parents pay bills. I understand, the position of the SEC is not to help the common man, but to help the people that they obey too. Whether its willing or not, these actions must not continue. Everyone involved in this needs to be brought to justice, people partaking in this is spitting on every man and woman who provides for this economy. Every man and woman that fight overseas and lose their lives for this country. Every man and woman who do what their told in this capitalist society that going to school and then college is the right idea and ultimately being lied too because they can't see into the future. You must put an end to this vicious cycle and hold those accountable, I do not agree with these changes and oppose to them. In fact, you should increase margin requirements as any normal person would be in jail or epsteined by now. The logic behind the proposed rule is baffling and would further reduce transparency of these ruined markets. AI use and illegal practices must also come to an end. Please, come to your senses and do what is right for man. 

Thank you for letting us comment in these trying times, but soon we will be past a fair, transparent and resilient market. Soon, the people behind these atrocities will pay for their crimes as they can no longer hide anymore. It's just a matter of who's on who's side and I hope you all choose retail. Thanks again for the opportunity to comment, from a man simply abiding by the laws of the land. Please bring back peace and rationality.