Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Joey Homan

Feb. 3, 2024

Please help restore the trust and integrity of the United States of America markets. It’s nowhere close to to being a fair and free market; it’s not even close they dont even try hiding it. The system is openly rigged and set up for those in power to not have to play by the rules that that average investor simply can not. It preys on the less financially well off people and quite frankly disappoints me and angers me that nothing has been done about it. 

Margin requirements. Failures to deliver. Black markets. Archegos. Naked shorting. 

It hurts to go overseas to risk my life in service in the military just to see my biggest enemies are actually back in the USA and are American and stabbing me in the back and don’t even care. Please restore integrity to this great nation. 

