Subject: Comment for No. SR-OCC-2024-001-34-99393
From: Leah Waller

Feb. 2, 2024

To whole it may concern, 
I am a retail investor and I would like to file a comment in regards to proposed rule No. SR-OCC-2024-001-34-99393 - 
Release No. 34-99393 File No. SR-OCC-2024-001 

Please do not pass this!! It’s absolutely insane that this is even up for discussion! Stop giving a free pass to banks and hedge funds who break the rules and get themselves into bad positions! Margin is meant to deter bad actors from making bad or illegal choices, that doesn’t work if you don’t enforce the rule or if you give them a get out of margin free card. Stop this nonsense! Your job is to protect retail investors but this rule would allow banks and hedge funds to rob retail, make bad calls and get away with it during times of market volatility. Please reject this rule, we need more market transparency to prevent bad decisions by banks and hedge funds, not more get out of margin cards! 

Thank you 
A concerned retail investor 

Sent from my iPhone so please forgive any typos!