Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802: WebForm Comments from Samuel Ryan
From: Samuel Ryan
Affiliation: Battery Engineer

Aug. 10, 2022

August 10, 2022

 Please note that I oppose and recommend the SEC reject this SR-OCC-2022-802, Notice of Filing of Advance Notice Related to a Master Repurchase Agreement as Part of The Options Clearing Corporations Overall Liquidity Plan.  The OCC should be looking to enhance its margin requirements for existing participants as well as demanding collateral within 60 minutes of an expected volatile event in the stock market. To echo Chance Fergerson's response to this: The OCC has an obligation to manage the risk of its participants and the investments traded through the OCC. At no point, should a financial contagion scenario be allowed to ensnare others, rather it should be absorbed by those government agencies and participating members who knowingly engaged in a shared default agreement.