Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Aug. 09, 2022

August 9, 2022

 Hello, regarding SR-OCC-2022-802.

I see the OCC is intent on obligating people against their will to enter transactions.  I also see the SEC, being \"advocates for retail\" couldn't be further from the truth.

\"Funding mechanics would be targeted so that OCC would receive the Purchase Price in immediately available funds within 60 minutes of its request for fund\"

Oh, and within an hour, too.

If a clearing member should fail, the OCC wants it promptly fixed within an hour, mandatory, and by obligation.

I know your dignity is shredded somewhere at the bottom of allowing MBS bailouts, however I gladly pulled all my shares out of the DTCC and into my own name at your utter and complete failure to regulate anything.