Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802: WebForm Comments from Mark B.
From: Mark B.
Affiliation: Attorney

Aug. 09, 2022

August 9, 2022

 I object to this requested change, it unnecessarily increases risk to individuals in favor of offering easier consequences to the institutional operators.  Americans should not be subsidizing the losses of well-paid financial professionals.  Alternatively: i request that this rule change be modified to allow this to be a 1 time use and that, upon such use, both the individuals involved with the use of this change, and the corporate entities they work for/represent/and those benefiting from said change, lose their licenses, rights to operate in the market, and are barred from participating in said market indefinitely.  If this modification is so important, and if it helps further the purpose of SEC regulation in protecting the American people and individual investors, then the requesting body and those that would take advantage of this modification must be altruistic and, therefore, would gladly make such a sacrifice for the good of the American people and retail investors.  They won
 't do that since this request is entirely self-serving.