Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802: WebForm Comments from Claire Adams
From: Claire Adams
Affiliation: Farmer

Aug. 09, 2022

August 9, 2022

 Dear SEC,
I am writing at my disappointment that the  OCC wants to cheat Main St yet again out of their life's toil and hard earned livelihoods.

If the \"smart money\" chooses to take risks they should live with the consequences, like the rest of us do.

Here's a little simply wisdom from rural America, that people Wall Street could try learning....

When are farmer plans poorly or plants a crop that is not compatible or too risky and it does not work out because of a \"material adverse change\", there are consequences.  There is no universe where anything different should apply to Wall St.  Take risks that don't work out well then there should no bailout from the American  taxpayer, or much worse from the pension funds of teachers, and people that worked their lives for a peaceful and simple retirement.  NO company or entity should be too big to fail - you fail? You fail. The end.

In a nut shell, all true hard working Americans believe that under no circumstances should the OCC have access to pension fund and insurance company money because a Clearing Member is about to default.

DO the right thing, it is not that hard.
Claire Adams