Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802: WebForm Comments from Tom Favara
From: Tom Favara

Aug. 09, 2022

August 9, 2022

 The lack of liquidity issue will not be remedied by this proposed legislation. The problem is that the option market is upside down. We should not ever have to bail out over extended hedge funds and banks in this fashion. Like 2008 but worse. These traders need to be held accountable for their questionable illegal behavior. This is one more get out of jail free card at the expense of honest investors. I really wish the SEC would actually do something about the rampant corruption in our markets. This proposed change is proof of how dishonest the markets have become. This bill should never have seen the light of day. Again, investors are being asked to bail out these crooks. But I am confident that it will pass as the whole market and the Sec is in working in tandem. There is no accountability except maybe a bad actor pays a minute fine. This will be a license to steal. Try this is Germany or any other first world country and see how accountability is measured.  You are helping enable
  a broken process by enabling crooked traders who at the very least will get a mild slap on the wrist. Tom