Subject: SR-OCC-2022-802

Aug. 03, 2022

Comment regarding new rule proposal from OCC. 

I am very certian that this new rule SR-OCC-2022-802 is part of at set of rules: 


requested by OCC to help OCC getting external non-member funding in case of member defaulting on them. 

As a privately held company I belive that OCC should resolve it's own 

liquidity problems and with assistance from it's own members before asking for public fundet liquidity from non-member. 

The public did not ask for OCC to get involved in leveraged business and should thus not be involved in helping OCC get back on it's tracks. 

This is a matter between OCC and it's members. In any case getting access to non-public funding to save OCC should be the last resort when OCC members has provided all the available liquidity they can provide. 

Best regards