Subject: File number SR- OCC-2022-802
From: Theresia Karundeng

Jul. 27, 2022

To whom this may concern at the SEC, 

⁠I am a member of the public, and am aware of OCC filing SR-OCC-2022-802. 
⁠The filing requests a rule change the OCC must follow regarding disclosures and funding of its liquidity facility. 
⁠The requested changes are harmful to US markets, investors, pension holders. 
⁠they request changing the rules regarding advanced notice, which has no value to the public, and substantial public harm. 
I voice my concern to decline this rule, there is no need for this change at all. 
⁠they request a bailout for the individuals who made risky bets and poor choices without consequences therefore, encouraging such reckless financial behavior in the future. 
⁠All of their actions suggest there is a significant risk thats not contained. 
The SEC has a moral obligation to deny SR-OCC-2022-802 in its entirety to protect our market. 
Failure to do so will create a significant risk to the financial market and investment of the common people. 

