Subject: [Release No. 34-94165; File No. SR-OCC-2022-001]
From: Joshua Bauer

Feb. 24, 2022

This is a comment on your proposed rule change [Release No. 34-94165; File No. SR-OCC-2022-001] 

I strongly oppose the rule change. I think it is cronyism and would only serve to protect the bad investments of the rich. When a investor or institution opens a short position they are fully aware that it is gambling. If the investment turns bad they need to close that position in a timely manner, not FTD and certainly not change the rules to suit their own selfish ends. 

I ask that this rule be trashbinned it does not serve to protect investors it only serves to protect bad investments. Rules like this only serve to further upset the market by encouraging bad investing behavior. 

Thank you. 
Joshua Bauer