Subject: Spot Bitcoin ETF
From: Dillan Koehler

Jun. 02, 2022

To Whom it may concern, 

Please allow for many spot Bitcoin ETFs from reputable & auditable custodians. Your current stance of protecting consumers makes no sense when you approve futures based products that have high expense ratios and high transaction costs stemming from rolling contracts. 

The reason so many people want to save and store the value of their efforts in bitcoin is because you and other government entities have betrayed the trust of the people you are supposed to serve. 

It feels, at times, that you are protecting non-accredited investors from access to products and service that they would benefit from. The reasoning that we are not sophisticated enough to assess the risks and can't afford to loose. 

You are reinforcing wealth concentration by reinforcing the existing gated community country club in finance further. 

Also, your recent commercial about meme stocks is rather offensive. I agree meme stocks are dumb, but you using my tax money to shame people is a far more dumb use of money. 

Please help restore our faith in good government. 

Thank you, 

Dillan Koehler