Subject: FILE No SR-NYSE Acra-2021 -90
From: Louie Cathro

May. 17, 2022

Honorable SEC: Please approve Greyscales petition to convert GBTC into a SPOT ETF. I am an honest, hard working, tax paying American that has taken a (relatively large) position into GBTC for my families financial future. I have been in GBTC for over 12 months now and the discount keeps widening thus, significantly hurting my position and my families financial investment into GNTC. Could you please approve this application to the benefit of everyday Americans like myself whom has invested his future into the Bitcoin investment vehicle provided by Greyscale. If you approve it, it will effectively make the discount disappear thus, allowing me a real opportunity to make my money back. Management fees would also be lowered which is beneficial. It’s more advantageous to the investor and if you decline it again it will hurt us worse. Thank you, God bless and I trust for the sakes of the “little investor” the SEC will do right by us and approve this petition. 

Louie Cathro