Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90 Petition to convert GBTC to an ETF
From: Boris Baliner

May. 07, 2022

Hello SEC, 

I am an investor, and currently GBTC is a part of my retirement plan portfolio.

It is my understanding that by converting GBTC to a spot ETF the GBTC shares would trade at a fair value ( NAV ), representative of the true value of GBTC shares. Any action on the part of SEC that makes share price less given to manipulation and increases transparency is a good thing. I believe the approval of conversion of GBTC to an ETF would achieve that goal.

I believe this transparency would benefit both the US markets and individual investors like myself. Current discount of GBTC shares compared to the true Bitcoin market price is hurting me directly, and other investors like me.

I am writing to you from Ohio, US, and am thankful for the attention and an opportunity to have my voice heard. 

Thank you
Boris Baliner