Subject: “File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90”
From: Charles J. Margolis

May. 08, 2022

Dear SEC, 

I have invested with Grayscale since 2017 & in my opinion they do a very good job 

Fidelity Investments tweeted recently they had $330 million in Crypto charitables 

"Fidelity Charitable's donor contributions of digital assets soared nearly twelvefold over the previous year, totaling more than $330 million in total contributions in 2021" 

Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash $GBTC & $BCHG have strengthened the economy 

My family built a hospital: Winona Memorial in Indianapolis. We sold it in 1985 
and built a Cancer Charity. 

My family trusted our lawyers with $120 million dollars to fight Cancer 

The lawyers proceeded to treat their own clients as liabilities over that money: 

When our hope was to "eliminate Cancer as a cause of suffering & death", that's 
the motto of my family's Charity 

The Chief lawyer of the firm placed a lawyer across from their 92 yr old client. 

The lawyers had him, my grandfather removed from his home. To try to have 
him declared incompetent. He wasn't, however he trusted his lawyers with 
a ton of money. 

I can actually prove he wasnt b/c he hired me to document his work & filmed him 2 days after I retrieved him from that incident: 


He is most clearly, not "incompetent" He was actually completely brilliant, at that time: However his own lawyers at Ice Miller treated him as a liability b/c he could have moved his charity board & the money around. He had not intention of doing that & wasn't, but 
he could have] 

I was out of the country for a week & got a call that my grandfather had been 
taken, by his own lawyers. I was already scheduled to return the next day. Got into 
town, was told my grandfather was at a Dr Gupta's office. 

I googled him & saw he's a Hair Restorationist. I thought it must be a different 
Dr's office, however that was the one 

Me & my cousin went there, my 92 yr old grandfather was there all alone. The 
Dr said "take your grandfather" 

I wheeled him to my car. Looked at him & asked "whats that on your face" 

He, my grandfather who built a hospital, was an Army Air Force flight surgeon & 
received a Silver Star at Midway, a Soldiers' Medal, Bronze Star: He said that 
on his face was "tears" that he'd been "crying all night" 

We continued to give money to our Charity. Those lawyers wanted their own 
client gone, over that money. 

In my opinion Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash both support complex Computer Tech & also support the economy. 

We trusted our lawyers & even after they mistreated us we stuck. with them: We're 
a medical family, obviously legal families would do things differently if their own lawyers 
did that to them 

That law firm went ahead & moved us from our office space, the Glossbrenner Mansion on Meridian Street in Indianapolis up to the Fairbanks Building: I figured the lawyers were supposed to be the best of the best 

They charged us $200,000 to renovate that office space then in less than 10 years a grand total of around $800,000 to rent the space: They had their office building up for sale & didn't explain that. Had our charity pay them the entire value of the lot & the building in less than 10 yrs with money we allocated to fight Cancer 

Adding the Trustless quality of Blockchain, Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash has, in my opinion ensured that good people who want to do good things: Like fight poverty, disease, famine can do so & can monetize the energy around them to fulfill their goals 

If instead of building our hospital in the 50s, 60s & 70s we had built it now we could have placed Solar on our roof tops & in our parking lots to mine Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash 

Investors who mine & those who don't also invest in Grayscale Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash & Litecoin 

Grayscale has done well by investors with GBTC. While big brokerages take advantage. JP Morgan allowed clients like my family to buy BCHG Bitcoin Cash however as it is less than $5 now they won't allow the shares to be traded online: It's a scam. Theres a note that says customers are allowed to trade penny stocks: When the price is $1 or $2 a share, not less than $1.00 

Vanguard won't allow trading on GBTC or BCHG after investors have been allowed to buy them for years. Vanguard recently had a "$2 million dollar insider scam" according to 

Investors effectively mine via investing in GBTC & BCHG 

BCHG is Bitcoin Cash and each share is 10 times more of the Bitcoin Cash Satoshis than the GBTC: Allowing people of the world to be able to use the old Bitcoin equipment to mine Bitcoin Cash makes sense to me: The Blockchain for Bitcoin Cash shows some companies hit Bitcoin Cash over 30 times a day. So even though it's lower as Bitcoin once was some companies are making millions on Bitcoin Cash 

My family has been investing since the 1950s & was lucky to parlay our hospital into 
a $140 million dollar charity. We invested in the entire market. I am a small investor myself & I like diversification & I like Tech. 

So I include GBTC & BCHG, in addition to LTCN ETHE & ETCG all Grayscale: Where some investors go by numbers & say they don't care what the company is at all. 

If allowing Grayscale ETF status does anything to reduce the utter scams by brokerages regarding Grayscale like Vanguard & JPM are doing with Grayscale products & investors then I truly hope you help steward the securities: Investors want exposure to Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash for long term: I also buy up Century Bonds 

Some investors say: "Never" on century bonds. They've done very well. Similarly I believe the future of strong medicine, law & business is empowered by Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash & Blockchain. 

I hope for a future where America as $100 trillion in the bank not $30 trillion in debt. I believe Bitcoin has already & will continue to work to build wealth based on a Decentralized system. 

My family built Ruddell's Fort in December 1779. In June 1780 the British took our Fort, they called it "Fort Liberty." My 5th great grandfather was there, they killed his brother & took his sister & 2 cousins POW for many years. I go to our fort site & town Ruddle's Mills & think about that history: 

C'mon all that & all the rest of Americans' work: For a big grand total of negative $30 trillion dollars? Americans want less taxes, still & want no taxes on losses on any investments: What the brokerages do is turn some parts of those codes into scams: Vanguard makes it very difficult to select tax lots.& then limits the ability to trade # of shares when trying to select the lots. 

I believe there's possibility for stronger financials in the future because of Grayscale. I invest in GFOF as Vanguard doesnt allow GBTC or BCHG any more. I feel Vanguard has stolen my investments & that JP Morgan has also. I was allowed to buy Grayscale however since BCHG is $1.80 a share JP Morgan prints on the screen customers can't buy penny stocks. 

The fact is all of 2 years ago JP Morgan said 1% in Bitcoin as a hedge: Then allows customers to buy & not sell BCHG 

I like the competition between the 2 Bitcoin Blockchains: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash, I like to see companies making money: I see those same companies giving millions to charity. 

So there's a summary as to why I believe Bitcoin , Bitcoin Cash & Grayscale GBTC BCHG & LTCN ETCG ETHE & GFOF not only seem to be as worthy my investment as all the other funds out there I believe that Grayscale would be a good addition to all the other management companies. 

I'm impressed with lots of your work. Americans worked hard to try to build a Free Nation. As you know it's tough for many businesses. Education & quality services will hopefully make a difference for the future. 

I believe that it's possible for Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash to give rise to the next Amazon, the next Salesforce, and so on. We have seen some brilliant work thus far, however that's possible & that will generate jobs, taxes, businesses: Cures to diseases, life saving tech services. That is possible if Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash are stewarded well. I hope & believe that SEC & Grayscale can allow for GBTC & their products to be officially investment worthy 

Thank you, 

Charles J Margolis 
Westminster, Colorado 

Attached photo of Winona Memorial Hospital, our lawyers fired everyone including our 
security guards & the building was in shambles: It wouldn't have happened if we had had Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash in the past: It's like that's what happens in the America without Trustless Computer Science, the interior of our hospital was looted. We trusted our own lawyers & bank NBOFI the lawyers wife was on their board & that where our charity banked w/ our lawyers own wife & there they were placing a lawyer Brad Galbraith across from their own client because he could have made a change to the board of his charity... he wasn't doing that... he could have though so to our own lawyers we were / are liabilities... Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, GBTC, BCHG are trust that I add to my portfolio knowing that, the aforementioned is 1 way the world.. "works". I feel Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash have already & can more improve Life & systems & services for everyone