Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Sebastian Portillo

Apr. 23, 2022


Dear SEC, 

Please move forward already with Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (Symbol: GBTC), currently the world’s largest Bitcoin fund, to the first Spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States. 
The US is falling behind in the adoption of this new technology and as an investor, I feel we need to open our eyes and keep up with the futures is going in order to continue to grow and stay leaders. 

GBTC currently is trading at a huge discount to NAV which hurts the retirement investments of hard-working people. 
I believe that Bitcoin is a very important component of the financial well-being of the USA, and I would like an easy way to invest my retirement money in Bitcoin. Other countries are ahead of the curve, having already introduced crypto ETFs and even going to far as to accept it as legal tender. It’s time the USA got on board. 

Crypto is a new source of income tax generator for the USA. If this new financials assets get regulated and officially accepted is going to be great for everybody like the internet in the 90's 

thank you so much 
Sebastian Portillo Miami, Florida