Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Bruce Jeffery

Apr. 22, 2022


I support allowing GBTC to convert to an ETF and supporting use of BTC in general. 


1) Freeing BTC to compete in the world market is essential for the US to maintain financial leadership in the world. The US cannot end up with the slowest, most expensive, least efficient money transfer system if it is to remain competitive globally. 

2) Personal liberty requires a currency that is owned and controlled by the individual, BTC does this the best of all options 

3) The current restrictions on ETFs in effect make investing in BTC an option for the wealthy and and institutions, this does not favor the average voter. 

4) A large portion of the US electorate is unbanked and does not have access to the current financial system. Everyone has access to BTC. 

Bruce Jeffery