Subject: Bitcoin and GBTC

Mar. 07, 2022


To Whom It May Concern; 

I've invested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for years.  It's a pain.  The transaction costs required to get in and out of digital assets through crypto exchanges are high compared to stock trade commissions, and deciding on a secure location, such as a hot or cold wallet, to store digital dollars is another hassle.  

From a personal perspective, it's much easier, cheaper, and secure to own Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies through ETFs, where aggregators such as Grayscale can take care of the logistics.  

Concerns about price manipulation and volatility seem a tad out of touch with the rest of the investable market.  I can buy shares in a company on the verge of death (Gamestop) only to see it soar to the moon based on hype.  I can buy shares in companies that think one day, maybe in a decade, they might earn revenue, but only if everything goes right (Quantumscape), and see the price soar and then fall.  And let's not even discuss ETFs based on agriculture and energy.  

If the SEC does not approve a Bitcoin ETF such as Grayscale, then the agency is not protecting the investing public from harm, it is driving investors to use other, less secure and more expensive paths to owning such investments.  That's not good governance. 

Rodney Johnson 
Personal Investor