Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90 Joseph Trentacosta Petition
From: Joseph Trentacosta Jr.

Feb. 23, 2022


Good morning, 

I am petitioning that the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is allowed to convert to an ETF. 

Like many small retail investors, I am all for Bitcoin and the growth of Cryptocurrency as a whole.  As a buyer and holder of GBTC, I am dissatisfied that the performance of the GBTC has not equally matched that of the performance of Bitcoin.   

Allowing this conversion would provide myself as well as other small retail investors with a safe, reliable and viable way to invest in Bitcoin into our portfolios that would match 1 to 1 with the underlying asset.  

Please allow this conversion to take place, and protect small retail investors.   

With Regards, 

Joseph Trentacosta