Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-68
From: Andrew Robison
Affiliation: Individual Investor

April 15, 2022

how is it possible to submit a rule change almost a year ago, postpone it, then completely change it with something else and then have it approved? this is the most absurd style of rule making that could possibly exist, with data constantly being changed and sometimes not even going into effect before they're changed again.

how is this on any level for anyone, possibly making a more transparent and fair market? this type of goal post movement was only reserved for congress, it seems the same nightmare of legal oppression may have actually sprouted from our completely fraudulent monetary system.

the federal reserve and it's 23 direct market makers have systematically, for more than a century, in coordination with organizational crime leaders at the dtc, sec, finra and nyse arca have stolen the wealth of every ordinary citizen.

rules are constantly put in place, never ending amendments too, that are simply designed to perpetuate the weapon of mass poverty to control and subdue humans worldwide. this rule and so many more like it are a slap in the face, approved by commissions that are filled with the very people that they're supposed to be regulating. conflict of interest and inquiries of such only apply to those who are not part of the team, creating a vacuum on insulated lies posing as truth.