Subject: File Number SR-NYSEArca 2019-01
From: D. Barnwell

Mar. 06, 2019

Dear Commissioners, 

I would like to voice my disapproval of this Bitcoin ETF and would ask the 

SEC to take a much longer time horizon to take a 'watch and wait approach' 

to see if Bitcoin is worthy of becoming a financial product with all the positives and drawdowns it entails. 

I have to disagree that based solely on the fact that the market is possibly 'ripe' then an ETF should be granted (if that is a criterion, and if so how is this measured?). 

The true game changer is the underlying technology Blockchain, not the cryptocurrency. And to make inroads into this industry-changing technology, one does not need to have a financial product based on the cryptocurrency. 

Decline this ETP without hesitation. 

D. Barnwell