Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2021-45
From: John Sellars

March 11, 2022

Please approve SPARC for all the reasons already enumerated with such great eloquence by others here in their well written comments. There is no need to add to the overwhelming tide. Bill's comment in early January probably laid it out best. There is a bounty of evidence that this is clearly a sizable improvement over SPACs, and my tiny retail nobody opinion isn't going to sway you anyway.

If you need further motivation, those of us who live in exile in feel that approval of SPARC would have the added benefit of getting Bill to stop tweeting about Ukraine, tennis, Novak Djokovic, Chinese skyscrapers, Kyle Rittenhouse, and Covid which would obviously make the world a better place and get Bill back to doing what he is best qualified to do... make deals on behalf of his beleaguered investors. We have suffered a great deal while you toss the bureaucratic buck back and forth and fiddle away our opportunity cost and time. So if you really care about the plight of individual investors, and not the pockets of wall street fat cat bankers, please approve this damn thing. But if you don't, nobody with a cynical bone functioning in their bodywill be particularly shocked.