U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The following Letter Type A, or variations thereof, was submitted by individuals or entities.

Letter Type A:

Dear Mrs. Morris:

I am writing the commission in response to the NYSE proposal to revise the transaction fees on the New York Stock Exchange. I strongly urge you to not to approve this proposal.

I have been an independent floor broker on the NYSE for __ years. I currently have __ employees working with me. My firm executes trades for varying types of customers (buy-side, sell-side, non-member broker dealers, pension funds, etc.).

If this new fee proposal is approved, my transaction cost will increase by 214.9%. This increase will put my firm in financial peril and very well might force me out of the business altogether.

I have been providing a valuable service to my customers for 26 years and want to continue to do so. Do not let the NYSE force me out of business because of an unevenly applied and arbitrary pricing structure.

Respectfully submitted,



Modified: 07/28/2006