From: brookes Ross
Affiliation: retail investor

Feb. 3, 2023

February 3, 2023

 I am seeing many rules being passed but nothing yet that has helped me or that i am aware of.  I feel that is part of this issue.  The Market needs the retail investors as do the retail investors need the market makers, But I feel there is a giant gap in knowledge and no patience from them to help us along the way.  Retail Investors are not surrounded by attorneys all day.   When Retail investor have their money taken, they don't have endless supplies of credit to hire an attorney.   Most of us can't afford an attorney.  We count on the Brokers to keep us safe.  At least we led believe they will by their countless giveaways and promotions to bring our families aboard but then they comment about every rule that benefits us.  It's a huge conflict of interest with a vicious cycle. Its Destroying lives faster than addiction.