Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Alonzo Walker

April 9, 2021

This proposed regulatory rule adoption has my full support. The market specifically Hedge Funds and Family offices continue to make very risky decisions on securities they do not even own. These bad actors continue to manipulate the market with their short selling at the expense of everyday investors. The SEC must implement rules that Govern and give confidence in the market including the regulatory bodies that are entrusted to ensure a fair playing field. The most important part of enacting rules is ENFORCING those rules and controls. A regulation is only as good as the enforcement. Enforcement must be swift and financially impacting to those that abuse and break these rules. Fines / Judgments MUST levied in a way that is cheaper to follow the rules than to break them This rule is a good first step but must be made and applied in concert with other rules to minimize malicious and illegal behavior where loopholes can be exploited.