Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Patrick Phillips

April 9, 2021

For the love of God, do the right thing and pass this. Our system is broken and we are relying on you to help straighten it out. The shorting of stocks should not be ethical nor legal. How can you sell something you don't own? In the real world, you can't. If I was to sell your car, and I don't own it - you do, I would go to jail. Likewise, the person who bought the stolen car from me would also go to jail. Now I realize, that stocks are knowingly lent out to be shorted. But here is something I recently learned, not everyone realizes their stock can be lent out. I, for one, didn't. I had to contact my broker and get myself moved from a margin account to a cash account. But guess what? Even shares on a cash account can be lent out. So then I have to request that my shares not be lent out. How crazy is that? How many unsuspecting people out there have no idea that their hard earned shares have been lent out unbeknownst to them thanks to their money hungry broker? A LOT. So please, for all that is humanity, approve this ruling so that we can get started down the path of fixing this mess we call the stock market. My attachments were too large to attach. I urge you to visit this link and also read parts 1, 2, 3 in the starting paragraph.

Thank you greatly for your time