Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Tend E. Mann
Affiliation: WSB lurker, DD analyst

April 9, 2021

This change is long overdue and retail investors faith in those who have been placed in the position to oversee and uphold the integrity of our financial system has diminished alongside them. If we can't vote for entirely new board members, this will have to do for now.

AMC should be orbiting the moon by now and it's not because the guys in suits getting away with every play in the book. (Obviously speculation) the fines are clearly not even a blip in the hedgies buying power.

The extra mile is seldom traveled. With that being said, take the extra mile and hold the hedgies accountable, for, the doer gonna do only what the checker gone check.

Thank you for your time and consideration