Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Travis Hess

April 8, 2021

I am an individual retail investor and would like to comment regarding the newly proposed rule SR-NSCC-2021-801.

I believe if this rule is enacted it would help ensure confidence and accountability in the stock market. Since getting more involved and learning all I can about the rules I found it quite troubling, to say the least. I've personally watched as stock prices had huge swings, up and down. In fact, a stock I'm heavily invested in, GME, I've watched the price go up to nearly $400 and within minutes it was back down at $176, sometimes with low volume that doesn't add up. This isn't normal. I've also lost count of the days the stock prices landed at equal numbers like $180.00 or $90.00. I don't have any other stocks that have done this nor have I witnessed anything like it.

It really seems as though someone is 'playing games' with this stock in particular and putting the investments of themselves and others in peril. It makes you question the whole system. Are we investing in companies that we want to see grow and prosper or are we being held in limbo while people play games and manipulate the price to be able to be successful on puts and calls in the background? It feels like retail investors are getting left out of something.

I think if institutions were held to stricter standards and much tighter margin requirements, these things would be discouraged. Otherwise, I honestly worry about the whole system. No one wants to see another 2008.