Subject: Regarding SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Samuel B Cordell

Apr. 09, 2021


Hello SEC, 
    My name is Sam Cordell and I am a novice retail investor. I wanted to compose an email regarding my stance on a proposed rule (SR-NSCC-2021-801). 
    From the research I've done on my own time I feel that this rule will be a cornerstone of the new regulations of, what I believe to be criminal, abusing of options. I think it is time that we updated the current RegSHO closeout and I would welcome a shift from monthly reporting (which sometimes I doubt if that happens) to daily reporting. 
    I feel immediate approval of this rule is necessary to help curb the blatant market manipulation. I also feel that penalties regarding the rule change should bear more punishment. 
Thank you for hearing what I have to say and I hope you listen to my voice. 

Regards, Sam Cordell