Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Eric Slesinger

Apr. 09, 2021


I have been investing actively in the stock market for close to a year now after finally being at a place in my love where I can financially afford to invest my hard earned money. I was a victim of the great recession in 2008 as I was just graduating college and entering the workforce. It has taken me over ten years to get to a place in my career where I can invest comfortably. It appears Wall Street has learned nothing since 2008 and is continuing to manipulate the markets and prices of many securities across the NYSE. This is severely eroding confidence among retail investors as well as the world that the markets are fair and could have terrible ramifications for our country. I believe this rule should be implemented as soon as possible. Stop these shorts and hedge funds from further eroding market confidence. There must be accountability. Enough is enough