Subject: NSCC-2021-801 Comment
From: Stuart Matheson

Apr. 09, 2021


To whom it may concern,
I will keep it brief. The proposed aforementioned companion amendment to “DTC-003” is a necessary one. It holds financial institutions & person(s) accountable for risky financial actions. As an educated retail investor in the global market, I believe that NSCC-2021-801 has the highest priorities in being implemented and enforced immediately.
Traditional American values of Achievement, Equality, Work, Justice and American exceptionalism are being jeopardized by hedge funds; of whom have amassed billions by exploiting the existing lack of regulatory transparency, eroding trust and integrity that global investors have towards the U.S. stock market.
There needs to be greater transparency and regulatory enforcement to curb the opportunistic practices that disenfranchise the common man. This is an urgent matter and as time goes by, retail investors around the world lose trust in the legitimacy and credibility of the stock market and United States as a whole.

Stuart Matheson