Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Scott Powers

Apr. 09, 2021


To whom it may concern,

The proposed [aforementioned] companion amendment to “DTC-003” is a necessary one. It holds corporations and hedge funds accountable, and that level of transparency and accountability is something we desperately need in the post Dodd--Frank era. Wall Street needs to be regulated so that they do not cause another financial crisis like in 2008. Being able to assess their risks and securities more often as proposed under this rule would help the working class in securing their future stability, knowing that hedge funds wouldn't able to over short their stocks creating massive risks in the financial sector because they would have nowhere to "hide" this information through loopholes. 
This is my understanding of it, and given our road to recovery post pandemic, and how trillions of Dollars exchanged hands via insider trading Americans and the global economy deserve more transparency when it comes to their investments. Best, Scott Powers