Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Colt Duppen

Apr. 09, 2021


Hello, As an investor who has been affected by the stock market recently, I feel that this rule should be strongly implemented as soon as possible. The clear Market manipulation that has taken place the past few months has taken its toll on many stocks and investments for a lot of people, namely the retail investor. The past few weeks have shown clear manipulation. I strongly feel that this is the same type of thinking and path that led us to the market crash in 2008 because of CDOs. This time it was the relaxed spending that was brought on from the pandemic. I strongly urge for 801 to be implemented ASAP before hedge funds and shorters alike are able to drive down the value and price of companies that do have value and are trying to come back from the pandemic. Thank you for your time. 

Colt Duppen