Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Joel Kuluo

Apr. 09, 2021


To whom it may concern, 

My comment will be, we need the rule to pass. On the basis of what has been happening in the stock market over the years and recent weeks, we have seen market manipulation which has made it very hard for retail investors to buy or sell their shares. It has come to many of retain investors attention and realization that we are the only investors who buy high and sell low. I want to believe this is not normal and not what an individual would do for personal growth and the general economical growth. If we continue to let the market to be manipulated and the retail investors oppressed we might end up in a bad situation. We need the market makers to be held accountable for their doing and that we have a fair trading platform. 

Yours Truly  
Joel Kuluo.