Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Letitia Jones

Apr. 09, 2021


I believe this rule will move us towards a free and fair market for all.  I don't wish to loose money over unfair trading halts or for people (hedgefunds) to be able to change trading rules as they go based on their ownership in complimentary businesses.  Everybody deserves a chance, given a level field, to work hard and get a homerun not work hard and be sent to the dugout for not being part of the elite.  I recently finished graduate school although I have been in accounting for better than 20 years,   I am very disappointed that eveybody doesn't have an equal chance.   Potential should be based on the work you are willing to put in and not on the tricks your willing to play.  Trickery is a terrible set of values to pass to the next generation and a system set up so one-sided is even worse, 
Tish Jones