Subject: Rule Comments
From: Elijah Thieret

Apr. 09, 2021


My name is Elijah Thieret amd I am an investor in many of the up and coming industries through the OTC. My wife and I currently own a global business and are in talks of raising funds and this rule effects us heavily in both areas. Without a long story I’ll say this, this has been going on way too long already and ever since the GME short squeeze especially, the overall OTC market hedge fund shorting and baked shorting has breeches so many rules and regulations already its crushing retail investors and these companies.

This NEEDS to be looked at very hard and detailed, companies like CBDD, AABB, and MINE have been massively attacked through heavy naked shorting for months on end. It’s sad and unethical how the ones at the top of this industry are using their money, power, and influence to take advantage of the system and the individuals invested.

Thank you,

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