Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: N/A N/A

Apr. 09, 2021


I am an individual retail investor and I strongly believe that this ruling needs to be passed as soon as possible. There absolutely needs to be a fair and open market for the better of everyone involved, or else it goes against everything this country was founded upon. Corruption and greed have been ruling the market for far too long and there needs to be a stop put to it. I deserve the same rights as an investor and as anyone else trading on the market and without it being fair and open, I am simply not being granted the same rights as large investor groups with trillions of dollars at their disposal. I was not personally affected by the housing bubble of 2008, but I am personally affected by the market manipulation that is very clearly happening behind the scenes at this very moment and it is simply despicable. Thank you for your time. 

Forest Hoover